Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Protect the Coug!

Rumors of the late have been filled with talk of attacks plotted against the Coug!  We here take your safety highest among our priorities.  In response to these heinous pre-crimes a "Bomb-Squad" has been formed for your safety.  
Apart of these braves souls include regulars and friends of the Coug.  For your protection the "Bomb-Squad" has been meeting twice daily under the protection of our very own, very safe, C-Dome.  Agendas usually consist of throwing ideas around the table, and we adjourn with one person left with responsibility of carrying out the subject matter of the meeting, it is a high honor to hold this title.
Again patrons of the Coug you have nothing to worry about your safety is in our hands!  Go with the comfort of the Coug and be happy.

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